
Our Mission

Hope Knows No Boundaries helps connect the dots between patients, medical specialists, and insurance companies.

Our Vision

Educate patients to advocate for their medical needs, use their voice in their treatment, and create a team environment between the medical specialists, the patients, and the insurance companies.

Patient Advocacy

  • Each patient has a voice. Their voice is the most important one in the medical relationship.  Without the patient, there would be no medical team. Use your voice.
  • Keep track of symptoms, medications, environmental stimulus, including stress and nutrition. Journal and video everything that is relevant
  • Research medical care, diagnosis, suggested therapies, current treatments, doctors, medical facilities, new technologies, etc. GET INVOLVED and stay on top of your care because no one cares as much about you as you should care about yourself!
    • Share new Diagnostic Tools and technology with patients.
  • Educate patients on the insurance system and how to maneuver it.
  • Teach patients to continue to work the system and don’t give up or give in.
  • Train patients to use their voice to get their insurance company to pay for new technologies that are not readily available.

Medical Field

  • Educate Medical field to make the patient an intricate part of the team.
  • Educate Medical staff on patient needs and tools to engage patients to
    take part of their care.
  • Share patient success stories of new technologies being used for medical  diagnosis and treatment.

Insurance Companies

    • Educate Insurance Companies on new technologies that are being used to diagnose and treat patients. Share success stories and outline cost savings, by using these technologies, to save hundreds of thousands of dollars as well as lives.

Connecting the Dots

    • Connect patient needs with specialists, technologies, hospitals, insurance companies, and other entities to improve patient outcomes.
    • Create a team that continues to move forward, in the direction of answers and Hope.